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French Scientology

Apropos of the charges against Scientology in France , James Taranto noticed the curious headline of the AP story on the topic: “French Court to Try Church of Scientology.” Adds Tatanto , “If It Doesn’t Work, They’ll Go Back to Laïcité.” . . . . Continue Reading »

Concieving Human Life

The Democratic ticket has been trying hard lately to frame abortion as an issue best left to theologians, not politicians. Senator Obama, when asked by George Stephanopoulos to clarify his view of the beginning of human life, explained that he doesn’t “presume to be able to answer these . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Frontier Feminism

Nathaniel , I too enjoyed Camilia Paglia’s Salon article today—definitely more insightful than Juan Cole’s’ silly piece yesterday comparing Palin to Muslim fundamentalists. Here’s one of my favorite parts: Conservative though she may be, I felt that Palin represented an . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Genes Do Not "Make Us Do It"

There s an old saying: “The devil made me do it.” The modern iteration of this I-can’t help-myself-excuse is: “My genes made me do it.” This idea was boosted in a report recently that men with a certain gene variant were twice as likely to commit adultery as men without . . . . Continue Reading »

Frontier Feminism

At Salon, Camille Paglia writes that Sarah Palin shows a kind of frontier feminism heretofore ignored in the national scene. Paglia gives an example of this that she saw in her own childhood: Here’s one episode. My father and his visiting brother, a dapper barber by trade, were standing . . . . Continue Reading »

Biden Stem Cell Low Blow

Dumb move: Senator Joe Biden has implied that Sarah Palin doesn’t care as much as he does about special needs children because she does not support embryonic stem cell research. From the story: “I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Why They Hate Her

A reader wrote in yesterday chastising me for claiming that many on the left seem to “hate” Sarah Palin. I’ve given enough examples to believe that I’m on safe ground here, but just in case the reader wasn’t convinced, here’s a piece by a University of Michigan . . . . Continue Reading »

Springtime in Fall

Family , Formation , Faith : These are three pillars of Christian society, three values that must be affirmed and lived by youth today, said Pope Benedict XVI in a recent address to Italian young people. In the process, he critiqued our world for tearing down each of these values through a culture . . . . Continue Reading »

The Novel, Again and Again

It seems that people really like talking about novels. My unremarkable comments last Friday have not just generated two derivative posts , but also far more email responses than I was expecting. Now even a blogger from Australia has weighed in . . . and at some length. Thanks to everyone for the . . . . Continue Reading »



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