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When Not Aborting Is Immoral

From over on starboard side, Nicholas Provenzo of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism is ” troubled ” by the implications of Gov. Sarah Palin’s “decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome.” He . . . . Continue Reading »

A Wedding Toast

Amanda posted yesterday an excerpt from a book entitled A Discourse of the Married and Single Life: Wherein by Discovering the Misery of One, is Plainly Declared the Felicity of the Other . This made me think back twenty-six years to my wedding reception. My wife and I and our families and the . . . . Continue Reading »

Duly Chastened

Lest other females, like myself, were beginning to feel a certain insidious pride and confidence, influence and assertiveness, in light of recent political developments, this sage discourse deserves careful reflection. One can never be too wary of feminine woes and wiles. From A Discourse of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Scientists to Study Near Death Experiences

I am not sure this kind of thing can be studied scientifically since the reports of such experiences are so ad hoc. In any event, scientists are going to try and find out if out of body experiences reported by people who have had full cardiac arrest can be validated: From the story: People who . . . . Continue Reading »

Supping With a Long Spoon

Among the events for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York next week is a dinner with American religious leaders—sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, the Mennonite Central Committee, the Quaker United Nations Office, and the World Council of Churches, among others. . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Hildegard

Yesterday I found the texts of some of Hildegard’s Latin hymns online. Here’s one called ” Ave, generosa . ” The translation wasn’t outstanding, so I thought I’d provide one of my own. Ave, generosa, | Hail, noble one, gloriosa et intacta puella | glorious and . . . . Continue Reading »

Joining Gladly in the Mourning

A reader writes: Most have heard of G.K. Chesterton’s explanation for why he became a Catholic, a mischievous (and, of course, paradoxical) tale about a stolen umbrella whose punchline goes something like: ” I am a Catholic because the Catholic Church is a Church of sinners and I am a . . . . Continue Reading »



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