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Can I Have One Moment of Gloating?

A news report has just announced that John Cornwell has changed his mind about Pius XII: “‘Hitler’s Pope’ Author Modifies Views.” Can I have one moment of gloating? I was right, and he was wrong. I was right , and he was wrong . Na-na-na- na -na! Ah, well. Now back to . . . . Continue Reading »

Not That Inventive

In 2004, South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk shocked the world by announcing he had successfully cloned human embryos in his lab. Key parts of Hwang’s research were later shown to be phony, however, and the scientist was indicted in 2006 on “embezzlement and bioethics law violations . . . . Continue Reading »

SF Chronicle Opposes Proposition 2

The SF Chronicle’s editorial page hews distinctly left—with Secondhand Smokette providing an alternate view on the op/ed page. That is why I was struck by the paper coming out against Proposition 2, the HSUS sponsored initiative to ban caging egg chickens. And the editorial board seems . . . . Continue Reading »

The Scoop on Sarah Palin’s Religion

In his Weekly Standard article “Clinging to Her Religion: The Faith Journey of Sarah Palin,” Christian Terry Eastland rises above the hysteria and the noise in the best article yet on Sarah Palin’s religion. A sample: Kroon [Palin’s pastor at Wasilla Bible Church] says that . . . . Continue Reading »

Family Matters

As Ramadan draws to an end, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has sent its annual greetings to the Muslim faithful , urging Christians and Muslims to come together in safeguarding the dignity of the family, the “fundamental cell of society.” I found this message of . . . . Continue Reading »

Culture War Skirmish at The Citadel

As hot as the culture war can burn, things rarely threaten to get physical. But this past Saturday, South Carolina experienced a brief but violent tremor along a national fault-line when cadets at the Citadel (a military academy in South Carolina) attacked the Princeton University Band before a . . . . Continue Reading »

Space Rap

NASA has commissioned a twenty-eight-year-old science communication student from south Wales to write rap songs about space: A postgraduate student who uses his love of hip-hop to make science easier to understand has been commissioned by space agency NASA to write a rap. Jonathan Chase, who is . . . . Continue Reading »

I Hate Perfume

With few exceptions, the above statement applies to me. It also applies to parfumier Christopher Brosius, who in fact has a store called CB I Hate Perfume . Arts & Letters Daily linked to a story by Jessica Gallucci about Christopher and his interesting collection of scents—Wet Pavement, Roast . . . . Continue Reading »



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