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Postmodern Conservatism and Diversity

Genuine diversity depends, of course, on lives formed by different understandings of the self or soul. Our tradition of diversity has been largely of diverse religious communities. Now we talk so much about diversity because we’re anxiously aware that we’re losing it. Diversity has largely been . . . . Continue Reading »

Lead Into Gold: IPSCs Pass Another Hurdle

IPSCs were first created in humans only about 10 1/2 months ago. Yet, hurdles to their full use in regenerative medicine fall at a rate not seen with ESCR or, for sure, therapeutic cloning. And now another one. From the story: Scientists are reporting today that they have overcome a major obstacle . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pontiff for All Seasons

No one should trivialize the current economic crisis, which poses a real threat to the well-being of people around the world. But “crisis” quickly moves from being an unpleasant fact that we must face to a poisonous climate of anxiety that we breathe. In order to maintain perspective, . . . . Continue Reading »

Mormons on Humanae Vitae

As you already know, the current issue of First Things features a fascinating exchange between Bruce D. Porter and Gerald R. McDermott on whether Mormonism is Christian. Equally fascinating is this interview from the Zenit News Agency in which Mormon physician Dr. Joe Stanford describes the . . . . Continue Reading »

Deep Ecology in Practice

Earlier this month, Anne Barbeau Gardiner wrote in her article “A Lesson in Deep Ecology”: Deep ecologists reject anthropocentrism, according to which human beings have irreducible value because they are made in the image of God; instead they embrace ecocentrism, according to which . . . . Continue Reading »

Moral Rights for Healthcare Providers

There has been much talk recently about the possible introduction of requirements that medical students learn to perform abortions and that Catholic hospitals administer the morning-after pill. And, as anyone in a medical profession knows, these are only a few of the times when a healthcare . . . . Continue Reading »

40 Days for Life

Forty Days for Life , a community-based pro-life group, kicks off their campaign of prayer, fasting, and presence today. According to the group’s website: Forty Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own . . . . Continue Reading »



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