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Court: Suicide Assisters Can Inherit

This is definitely bad policy, but it was probably the right decision by the court: A Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that a relatives who may have assisted a suicide can still inherit from his estate. From the story:The wife and daughter of a Wisconsin man who committed suicide can inherit his . . . . Continue Reading »

Reno On Kerouac

I hated Jack Kerouac’s On The Road when I read it in my early teens. I expected a carefree romp that would glamorize and endorse antinomian adventures such as I hoped to have. Instead I found a disorienting and melancholy book—all hangover and no high. In ” The End of the Road . . . . Continue Reading »

More on the Financial Crisis

In addition to my article on Secretary Paulson’s plan to bailout the credit markets, ROFTERS looking for further guidance on these issues may want to watch the video from a panel several of my colleagues and I at the Villanova Law School did on the crisis earlier this week. The speakers . . . . Continue Reading »

Saint of the Lepers

Kalaupapa doesn’t fall on the standard Hawaiian tourist circuit. It’s not known for its pristine beaches, however fine they may be, nor for its tropical cuisine or music or ambiance. It is, however, a place of history and pilgrimage, particularly now that Fr. Damien’s canonization . . . . Continue Reading »

Two-For-One Special

If you haven’t seen them already, check out our two Daily Articles on the FT homepage today: Fr. Neuhaus’ continued reflection on the First Amendment and freedom of religion, and Prof. Robert T. Miller’s ” Conservative Case for the Paulson Plan .” . . . . Continue Reading »

An Educational Conversation

This month we’ve heard Amanda Shaw and Ryan T. Anderson expound on the benefits of Catholic education. Never one to shy away from a good conversation, Pope Benedict XVI offered his two cents on the topic yesterday during an address to representatives of Italian Catholic educational centers: . . . . Continue Reading »



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