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Cold Comfort

It is my privilege to share workspace with a soon-to-be-distinguished student of history , Ryan Sayre “Prayers” Patrico. Like other advocates of civilization, Ryan is shocked and dismayed by the almost total ignorance of history among young Americans. The only consolation I can offer . . . . Continue Reading »

Glimpsing Death

P.J. O’Rourke at the Los Angeles Times offers a hilarious yet meaningful reflection on his encounter with cancer and how the experience has given him a healthy appreciation of death: I looked death in the face. All right, I didn’t. I glimpsed him in a crowd. I’ve been diagnosed . . . . Continue Reading »

Markets Are Never Always the Right Solution

Robert T. Miller’s observations in Friday’s Daily Article about the need for intervention in times of market panic remind us of an important truth. The fact that markets are usually the most effective and efficient mechanisms for creating incentives for wealth creation, as well as for . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Slavery: Chinese Style

Standing up for human exceptionalism means fighting slavery and other forms of naked human exploitation. In this regard, Peter Hitchens, the UK writer, has a very disturbing piece out about how the Chinese are exploiting the poorest in Africa in what can charitably be called a new colonialism, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Self-Medication and Modernity

Matt Crawford ably explains how college campuses have become incubators of schoolmarmish therapeutic supervision. No longer confident in the mission of higher education and therefore too hobbled to resist becoming an adjunct of popular society versus an engine of . . . . Continue Reading »



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