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Maiming Marie Stopes

The global pro-life movement has just scored a small, indirect victory. For years the United States Agency for International Aid has supplied some African nations with contraceptives, some of which are distributed by Marie Stopes International, a prominent international abortion provider. Now , . . . . Continue Reading »

Pray for Somalia

Barbarism, to paraphrase Christopher Dawson, is not a far-distant stage in the evolution of human society, but a perpetual possibility simmering under the surface of civilization. In no country on earth has barbarism erupted with more devastating force than in Somalia, a land of clashing creeds and . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Faithful Citizens

Thanks to Amanda for highlighting the relevant section from the New York Catholic bishops’ statement, ” Our Cherished Right, Our Solemn Duty .” The inalienable right to life of every innocent human person outweighs other concerns where Catholics may use prudential judgment, such . . . . Continue Reading »

Last Night’s Debate

Well it certainly could have gone a lot worse for Gov. Palin. Apart from the few awkwardly evaded questions and the wince-worthy slogans, she acquitted herself well, allaying fears that she would prove an inarticulate ignoramus. She probably hasn’t convinced the crucial swing voters that . . . . Continue Reading »

Religious Violence in India

The BBC reports more troubling news from India’s ongoing religious violence between Hindus and Christians: Four people have been arrested in the eastern Indian state of Orissa in connection with the rape of a Catholic nun more than a month ago, police say. At least one police officer has been . . . . Continue Reading »

Iran’s Apostasy Bill

Last month, Iran’s parliament overwhelmingly approved a bill that would make apostasy (converting from Islam to another religion) punishable by death. The Christian human rights group, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, has applauded the European Union for issuing a declaration that urges Iran . . . . Continue Reading »

Faithful Citizens

As a coda to last year’s USCCB document ” Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship ,” the New York Catholic bishops yesterday issued a statement on voting, and voting wisely. ” Our Cherished Right, Our Solemn Duty ” poses a series of questions citizens should use . . . . Continue Reading »

Omnes de Saba

In keeping with the theme of filling Ordinary Time with music from other liturgical seasons, here’s Orlando di Lasso’s “Omnes de Saba Venient.” 8 parts, big epic, ringing chords (like di Lasso’s Easter motet ” Aurora Lucis Rutilat “)—what more could . . . . Continue Reading »



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