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Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto . In this battle, allied Christian nations destroyed a vastly larger Turkish fleet. This battle inspired G.K. Chesterton to write one of his best poems . Here is the rousing first stanza: White founts falling in the Courts of the sun, And the Soldan . . . . Continue Reading »

Mail Goggles

How many of us have sent an important email in the wee hours of the morning only to regret it the next day? Let’s face it: Submitting that paper or writing to that ex should have been reserved for a time when our brains were functioning properly. Enter “Mail Goggles” a new service . . . . Continue Reading »

The Golden Girls of Saint Maria Goretti

Gloria Cipollini Endres, a friend and correspondent, has written a charming reminiscence of being part of the first class at Saint Maria Goretti High School in Philadelphia. The piece, appearing in the Philadelphia Daily News , is a wonderful glimpse of life in better times: The first principal, . . . . Continue Reading »

Event: Love and Fidelity Conference

When I mentioned the Love and Fidelity Network yesterday I neglected to mention their first annual conference, “Sexuality, Integrity, and the University,” on November 7-8 at Princeton University. The conference features talks by fine scholars such as Brad Wilcox, Miriam Grossman and . . . . Continue Reading »

Comfort Books

A professor friend of mine at Notre Dame is working on a book about the British historian and MP Thomas Babington Macauley . When describing the book to me, he made special note of how the Classics replaced the Bible as the spiritual sustainance of many at that time. When Macauley’s beloved . . . . Continue Reading »

Human Evolution Over?

This is the kind of “science” story that drives me crazy. A scientist hypothesizes that “human evolution is over”—and it is taken seriously. From the story:Human evolution is grinding to a halt because of a shortage of older fathers in the West, according to a leading . . . . Continue Reading »

A Stitch in Time

Yesterday afternoon at Princeton University, First Things board member Robert P. George hosted a reception for pro-life and pro-family members of the Princeton community. At the end of his brief address, Prof. George invited those faculty members and ministers of religion who were present to say a . . . . Continue Reading »

Network Theory and the Credit Crunch

For those of us out there, economists and laypeople alike, who are left scratching our heads at the current economic crisis, here’s a new theory, based on the study of information networks, that might shed some light on the problem: “[The U.S.] market economy is nothing more than a . . . . Continue Reading »



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