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This is What Gandhi Would Have Done?

Animal rights radicals who engage in ALF and SHAC terrorism presume to put on the mantle Martin Luther King and Gandhi, claiming that their threats, bombings, vandalism, identity theft, harassment, and intimidation is right out of the civil disobedience playbook. And PETA refuses to condemn, . . . . Continue Reading »

Girl With Half a Brain Thriving

Adherents to the “quality of life ethic” and those of a utilitarian mindset would have been quite content to see the little girl who is the subject of this story die, rather than live with the cognitive and developmental impairments caused by having half her brain surgically removed. . . . . Continue Reading »

Taking ESCR Off the Table

The LA Times today gives one more reason why embryonic stem-cell research should become unnecessary: Scientists have converted cells from human testes into stem cells that grew into muscle, nerve cells and other kinds of tissue, according to a study published Wednesday in the online edition of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Tallis Scholars Are Comin’ to Town

A week from tonight at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin the Tallis Scholars will be singing music from the Spanish Renaissance: Alonso Lobo Missa Maria Magdalenae Tomás Luis de Victoria Three Lamentations for Holy Saturday Dum complerentur Francisco Guerrero Ave Virgo sanctissima Regina . . . . Continue Reading »

Congenial Contrition (cont’d)

An FT reader notes that Theodore Dalrymple’s diagnosis of FAS (False Apology Syndrome) was, in fact, identified by C.S. Lewis. The year was 1940, and it was the thing among young British intellectuals and Christians—”last-year undergraduates and first-year curates”—to . . . . Continue Reading »

Fellowship Opportunity

If you are a Christian graduate student you may be interested in the Harvey Fellowship . This program targets students “who possess a unique vision to impact society through their fields and who are pursuing graduate studies at premier institutions (top five) in their disciplines in the . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Comfort Books

From a reader, responding to Nathaniel’s post : I had a habit of rereading the Lord of the Rings every year during the summer for a decade, and in the past three years, I’ve read the entire Patrick O’Brian series twice because times were bad, and I turn to swashbucklers when . . . . Continue Reading »



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