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Vladimir Putin, Action Hero

“Pugnacious” takes on quite literal meaning when applied to Russia’s prime minister. With his new video, “Let’s Learn Judo with Vladimir Putin,” the ex-KGB operative shows off his wicked awesome martial arts skills. In isolation this seems exhibitionistic enough, . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Nastiest Regimes in the World”

Christian Human Rights organizations are justly praising British foreign secretary David Miliband for condemning the Iranian Parliament for their draft apostasy bill: [W]e deplore the way in which the Iranian Parliament is also now discussing a draft penal code that would set out a mandatory death . . . . Continue Reading »

Critique of Impure Judgment

The latest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature is a Frenchman with the marvelously French name of Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio . Perhaps his writing is quite as marvelous as his name, but the terms in which the Nobel committee praises him make me suspicious of their criteria. Much . . . . Continue Reading »

Williams on Dostoevsky

Here’s a a sample of the Times’ (London) review, via Arts & Letters Daily , of Rowan Williams’ new book on Dostoevsky: There are many insights in Dostoevsky: Language, faith and fiction which will illumine its subject’s novels, and which could only have come from this . . . . Continue Reading »



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