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Chaput Counters Kmiec

Last week Public Discourse published the modified text of an address delivered by Archbishop Chaput speaking as a private citizen about the responsibilities of the Catholic voter. It contains a stern rebuke directed at Prof. Doug Kmiec: In his own book [ Can a Catholic Support Him?: Asking the Big . . . . Continue Reading »

Irony and Its limits

I recently came across a nice turn of phrase by Jules Renard, a wry French memoir writer from the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth: “Irony does not dry up the grass. It just burns off the weeds.” Yes, I think that’s quite right, but only if the irony . . . . Continue Reading »

“Oregon Plus One”

Attending the Human Life Review ‘s Great Defender of Life Dinner last night, I heard some chilling news from pro-life advocates Wesley Smith and Rita Marker. In the coming days, the people of Washington State will be voting on Initiative 1000, the Washington Death with Dignity Act. . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cell Debate Resurfaces

From today’s Boston Globe : The issue of stem cell research, while not at the forefront of this year’s presidential campaign, has surfaced in political advertisements and again during Wednesday’s presidential debate—casting a potentially revolutionary field of scientific . . . . Continue Reading »



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