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Elevating the Global-Warming Debate

This week we’ve pointed out a couple instances of the confusion surrounding the global-warming debate. If you’re looking for a clear and constructive forum on the topic, you should check out the website Climate Debate Daily , which compiles articles and news stories both for and against . . . . Continue Reading »

Wedded to the Left

Why does a man who describes the French left as a “great backward-falling corpse” continue to associate himself with it? This is the question Fred Siegel tackles in his review of Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism by Bernard-Henri Levy. Even at its most exasperatingly . . . . Continue Reading »

X-Rays on the Cheap

Scientists from UCLA have found an unexpected—not to mention cheap—way to produce x-rays: Scotch Tape . Just two weeks after a Nobel Prize highlighted theoretical work on subatomic particles, physicists are announcing a startling discovery about a much more familiar form of matter: Scotch . . . . Continue Reading »

Moral Complicity With an Evil Act

Ryan T. Anderson has already noted George Weigel’s exchange with Obama’s ostensible pro-life Catholic supporters. Weigel’s most recent rejoinder is, indeed, simply devastating. But there was one particular attack on Weigel that was not addressed, but is worth highlighting: Weigel . . . . Continue Reading »

The War over Words

Earlier this year the Departments of State and Homeland Security received wide criticism for politically correct memos prohibiting the use of certain language in referring to Islamic terrorists. The diplomatic and intelligence communities were urged to “never use the terms jihadist or . . . . Continue Reading »



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