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Love, Hope, and Self-esteem

The romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, for all his earnest and ethereal musings, his Skylarks and his West Winds , is sometimes wonderfully funny. To read some of his poems, one would think he was satirizing himself and his age, only he writes—no, wafts, soars, swoops, descants—with such . . . . Continue Reading »

In the World and of the World, Part II

Today’s Los Angeles Times echoes the survey from Faith in Public Life , but mentions a small exception to the general trend: What we’re seeing in these three swing states is the end of the Catholic vote, as conventional political strategists traditionally have expected it to . . . . Continue Reading »

Religiosity and Mental Health

Researchers have known for a while now that piety can help protect a person from depression and anxiety. Now, a new study published online in Psychological Medicine has gone further in developing the relationship between mental health and spirituality by comparing the effectiveness of different . . . . Continue Reading »

In the World and of the World

A few days ago, the Catholic News Service put out a notice about a survey from Faith in Public Life : The survey showed that young Catholic voters are the most pro-government among voters of any major religious group, even more pro-government than other surveys show the rest of the young population . . . . Continue Reading »

American Hustlers

I’m reading Freedom Just Around the Corner , Walter McDougall’s delightful tour of American history from the colonial period to the age of Jackson. His main claim is that Americans are “hustlers,” both in the sense of shrewd, industrious, creative go-getters and in the sense . . . . Continue Reading »

UK Court Refuses to Impose Assisted Suicide

Debby Purdy, the UK woman struggling with progressive MS, went to court seeking an order assuring her that should she want to die, that her husband could assist her and face no legal consequences. (This case was similar to that of Diane Pretty a few years ago.) The trial court refused. From the . . . . Continue Reading »



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