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This Is a Love Story

For those looking for hope in the heat of the election, here is a powerful sermon by a young Dominican training for the priesthood, Br. Jerome Zeiler, preached at a vigil for All Saints Day. Here are a few highlights: We are surrounded by darkness, the darkness of atheistic nihilism and the culture . . . . Continue Reading »

Soup Kitchens for Dogs

A soup kitchen has opened in Berlin to make sure that the pets of homeless people are well fed. From the story: Despite the looming financial crisis, director Claudia Hollm dismissed criticism that it may be more sensible to collect money for humans than for dogs. “Nowadays people . . . . Continue Reading »


This left me speechless. So I’ll just point to what Maggie Gallagher has said : The Return of Open Attacks on Religious Minorities: Prop 8’s Legacy [Maggie Gallagher] Well this is certainly change. The voices of tolerance in California are concluding their campaign against Prop 8 with . . . . Continue Reading »

Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC, RIP

Colonel John W. Ripley , USMC died this past week. We throw around the word hero a bit too casually these days and as a result we too often miss the real deal. Colonel Ripley was the real deal. He was the real deal even apart from the single event for which his is renown. In late March 1972 twenty . . . . Continue Reading »

Love, Not Killing, is the Answer

With Washington about to vote on I-1000, and the legalization of euthanasia/assisted suicide under serious discussion in Canada, Australia, and soon in California, Arizona, Vermont, Wisconsin, and elsewhere, an article by Rene Leiva, a Canadian palliative care physician, is worth pondering. He . . . . Continue Reading »

Child’s Play

Yesterday we learned that teenagers who watch high levels of promiscuity on television are themselves more likely to “get pregnant or get a partner pregnant.” Today, we discover that children who play violent video games are more likely to become aggressive and violent: A new study . . . . Continue Reading »

Judgment Day

A great deal is up for judgment today: assisted suicide in Washington; marriage and family in California, Arizona, and Florida; and the dignity of the unborn throughout the United States. Not to mention a host of other issues demanding thoughtful consideration. These three, however, lie at the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Kids Aren’t Alright

Speaking of prejudice against conservatives , Emily Bazelon, writing in Slate , is worried that liberal children tend to be too viciously and close-mindedly partisan: Our kids are raised on a steady diet of tolerance, but, given the chance, they signal allegiance by turning on whomever they can pin . . . . Continue Reading »



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