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College Tuition: Up, Up, and Away

Troubling news today from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education about the rising the cost of college tuition and the increasing percentage of Americans who are unable to afford it: Over all, the report found, published college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to . . . . Continue Reading »

Moral Issues and Political Choices

Moral Issues and Political Choices: That is the title of a lecture Fr. Richard John Neuhaus gave at Roanoke College, shortly before the recent elections. Watch it online here . It takes a while to download, but, as you might imagine from your monthly doses of the Public Square, it is well worth . . . . Continue Reading »

Movies with Soul

Here’s an interesting interview with Buzz McLaughlin, a Christian filmmaker trying to make movies that avoid the extremes of total secularity and didactic piety. I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping that this project becomes wildly successful. . . . . Continue Reading »

Sinner’s Prayer

Seeing as Advent is a penitential season, and seeing as I’ve been talking about Advent music, here’s a penitential song. Well, sort of. It’s not exactly sacred, at least in traditional terms, but it is callled “Sinner’s Prayer.” And it’s covered by B.B. . . . . Continue Reading »

Modernity Strikes Again

What drove the men who attacked Mumbai? Guy Sorman writes that the massacre “wasn’t some desperate move to make a statement. It was a carefully planned operation, under the command of sophisticated leadership . . . in order to achieve a strategic, indeed worldwide, goal.” This . . . . Continue Reading »

Con vs. Pomocon

My name has appeared on the masthead now for almost two months, but i have hesitated to pen an inaugural entry, especially since, unlike some of the others in the group, i have no full-fledged manifesto to announce. And — as these things go — the longer one waits, the more difficult it . . . . Continue Reading »



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