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Beware the Doghouse

To the younger First Things readers, especially the men: If you are tempted to get your wife, or fiancée, or girlfriend something “practical” for Christmas, you probably should pause and take a look at this rather funny video on how to stay out of the doghouse. While . . . . Continue Reading »

The Dirty, Dark Secret of Prop 8 Donors

A CA reader passes along this link—an online search engine , hosted by SF Gate and the San Francisco Chronicle , which enables readers, at the click of a mouse, to find donors for and against CA’s gay-marriage ban. It’s a tidy piece of technology in many ways, compiling information . . . . Continue Reading »

Niederauer Speaks Out

On Wednesday, Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Fransisco issued his first extensive statement on the passage of Proposition 8 in California: Some would say that, in light of the separation of church and state, churches should remain silent about any political matter. However, religious . . . . Continue Reading »

Tidings of Healing and Joy

As Ryan Anderson and Joseph Bottum discussed in the November issue (subscription required), embryonic stem cells have been flaunted, for the past decade, as the key to unlocking the miracle cure, the source of the fountain of youth. But with last year’s stem-cell breakthroughs, scientists (if . . . . Continue Reading »



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