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“Forgive, and You Will Be Forgiven.”

A day after South Korean immigrant Dong Yun Yoon lost his two young daughters, his wife, and his mother-in-law when a military jet crashed into their house in San Diego, the bereaved man prayed for the well-being of the pilot: “Nobody expected such a horrible thing to happen, especially right . . . . Continue Reading »

Once and Future Human Rights

December 10, 1948—sixty years ago today—the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born. Promulgated as the smoke of the death camps still lingered, the document was a stunned world’s attempt to enshrine human rights and dignity, to ensure that such “contempt for human . . . . Continue Reading »

Lost in Translation

Over at Catholic Culture “Diogenes” has picked up on an amusing blunder: According to the official Vatican translation, in a message about the Christian heritage of European culture, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged reflection upon “the ancient roots in which abundant lymph has flowed . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide Makes Primetime

Remember the outcries late last month when a nineteen-year-old in Florida committed suicide in front of a webcam? “What will this lead to? Where is this headed?” many of us asked. Unfortunately, in Britain, it looks like it’s headed to primetime . . . . . Continue Reading »

No Contradiction Here

Commenting on the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Michael Rubin over at National Review got it exactly right : While it’s fashionable to argue that terrorists in Mumbai do not act out of religion, but are simply misguided, the fact of the matter is that they justify their actions in Islam. For . . . . Continue Reading »

“Where Was Her Editor?”

I was going to say something about Lisa Miller’s Newsweek cover story advocating for same-sex marriage on religious grounds. But I simply could not improve on Mollie Ziegler’s comments over at the indispensable GetReligion : It is no exaggeration to say the piece was an embarrassment. . . . . Continue Reading »

Alexiy II, Russian Patriarch, 1929-2008

As the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is buried today in Moscow, our thoughts and prayers go out to the Eastern Church and her faithful. From the Orthodox service for the dead, Pannikhida : O Thou Who with wisdom profound order all things with love, and Who gives to all what is needful, O only . . . . Continue Reading »



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