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Abortion, the Church, and the Kennedys

In an excellent Wall Street Journal essay surveying Catholic politicians who have converted from pro-life to pro-choice, Anne Hendershott writes: For faithful Roman Catholics, the thought of yet another pro-choice Kennedy positioned to campaign for the unlimited right to abortion is discouraging. . . . . Continue Reading »


Since my name is now on the masthead, perhaps an introduction is in order. My name is Patrick Deneen, and - like a few other people who write here - I am by trade a political theorist. I teach at Georgetown University where I hold a chair in Hellenic studies and nearly three years ago founded a . . . . Continue Reading »

Selective Memory

Ever wonder why print media is sinking beneath the waves? Here’s an example. The Village Voice has laid off Nat Hentoff, who has churned out thoughtful and even prescient columns there for fifty years. From the story : The troubled Village Voice laid off three employees Tuesday, including Nat . . . . Continue Reading »

This Have I Done for My True Love

I had known of the Christmas song “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day” for a while, but this year I really fell in love with it. The carol highlights how the whole of Christ’s life is an invitation calling out to the beloved. Below are the words of the carol that pertain to . . . . Continue Reading »



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