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Speaking in North Carolina

I’ll be traveling down Tobacco Road next week, giving some public talks. Come out for the events, if you happen to be in North Carolina. The first is at Duke, an exploration of my work on the death of Mainline Protestantism and the effect that has on American political theory . That’s . . . . Continue Reading »

"Choice" is a One Way Street

As I have often said, the culture of death brooks no dissent. The Bush “conscience clause” regulations protecting health care workers from being discriminated against in their employment for refusing to participate in medical procedures with which they disagree on religious or moral . . . . Continue Reading »

FT Assistant Editors on RJN

As previously advertised , my colleague Amanda Shaw and I were on SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s Catholic Channel this afternoon with Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., on his weekly show “Word to Life.” Fr. Aquinas has a recording of the show here on his website . Amanda and I appear around . . . . Continue Reading »



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