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New Russian Patriarch

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, and Metropolitan Filaret from Minsk. One of these three men will soon be elected patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. Whoever is chosen will have no shortage of internal problems to deal with, but we . . . . Continue Reading »

Rational Control

We learned last night that Timothy Geithner was confirmed as the Obama administration’s Secretary of the Treasury.  While this outcome was never in real doubt, the revelation that he had failed to report upwards of $26,000 in self-employment taxes when he was an overseas employee of the . . . . Continue Reading »

French Women Surge Ahead

A friend wrote to chastise me for failing to include fresh statistics that show a marked increase in the French fertility rate. Apparently women who did not have children in the twenties are now having babies, and this is pushing up rates that looked dire a decade ago. Check out this news report . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelicals and Catholics Together

Chuck Colson, in last week’s issue of Christianity Today , reflects on the death of his friend Richard John Neuhaus and the origins and future of their joint ecumenical project, Evangelicals and Catholics Together . The two became friends when RJN was a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor and both . . . . Continue Reading »

Arts on the Cheap

One of the joys of living in New York City has been discovering just how many concerts and shows you can see for $20—35. This week’s New Yorker features an article on some of the ways one can do just that. From $20 tickets at the Met to free organ music in churches, it gives practical . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Wilken Lecture

Those in the New York area may want to attend Robert Wilken’s St. Thomas Day Lecture at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer at 66th and Lexington on Wednesday, January 28 at 7:00 PM. Prof. Wilken will be speaking on Thomas Aquinas’ interpretation of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. For . . . . Continue Reading »



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