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Are the Culture Wars Coming to an End?

Peter Beinart thinks so : When it comes to culture, Obama doesn’t have a public agenda; he has a public anti-agenda. He wants to remove culture from the political debate. He wants to cut our three-sided political game back down to two . . . . culture wars do end. In the 1920s, immigration, . . . . Continue Reading »

Crown of Thorns

Another song on the Images of Christ recording is Tchaikovsky’s “Crown of Thorns,” which sets a nineteenth century American poem by Richard Henry Stoddard to music. Words and music are below, though this time sung by the choir of Wells Cathedral. When Jesus Christ was yet a child . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS is Truly International

About seven weeks ago I began tracking the locales from which Secondhand Smoke is accessed. In that time,we have been visited by people interested in bioethics and human exceptionalism from 139 countries. Our newest “flag” is Ethiopia. Thanks to . . . . Continue Reading »

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Recently I’ve been listening to Images of Christ , a collection of music based on the life of Christ sung by the Cambridge Singers under the direction of John Rutter. The first track on the CD is Bairstow’s “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent.” The piece opens with haunting . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Fido Gone Forever?

Not if you’re willing to shell out 150,000 dollars and hire a team of scientists: An American couple were so distraught at the prospect of losing their pet Labrador that they decided to pay £100,000 to clone him. Edgar and Nina Otto decided to have DNA samples of their pooch Sir . . . . Continue Reading »



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