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Italy Woman Sent to Clinic to Die

From the BBC : A woman at the center of the right-to-die debate in Italy has been moved to a clinic where she will be allowed to die after 17 years in a vegetative state. Eluana Englaro was transferred by ambulance overnight to the private facility in the northern city of Udine. The Vatican and . . . . Continue Reading »

Getting a Job

Because of my participation on this blog, which bears the name conservative (albeit postmodern), I have evidently not yet made it on the list of potential appointees to the Obama team. This is much to be regretted, not for any reasons of personal ambition, which I abjure completely, but because in . . . . Continue Reading »

Chastity on Campus

My former colleague Ryan T. Anderson has a piece today on The Public Discourse in which he outlines how Princeton’s Anscombe Society has had success in responding to the hook-up culture on college campuses: by arguing for chastity, marriage, and the family on rational grounds. Read the whole . . . . Continue Reading »

Overturing Mexico City Policy Unpopular

Of all the major actions President Obama has taken since assuming office, his decision to overturn the Mexico City Policy remains his least popular, with only 35 percent of Americans approving of the move to fund international organizations who provide abortions, the most recent USA Today/Gallup . . . . Continue Reading »

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Representative Peter King from New York has introduced a bill that would require that all camera phones emit “a tone or other sound audible within a reasonable radius of the phone” when a picture is taken. The idea is that this will prevent sexual predators from surreptitiously taking . . . . Continue Reading »



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