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Eluana Englaro Autopsy Ordered

There has been a lot of off stage speculation about the actual cause of Eluana Englaro’s death—in which I intentionally did not engage—inspired by her death coming within days after the beginning of dehydration, a process that usually takes about two weeks. Now, an autopsy has been . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catholic William F. Buckley Jr.

Portsmouth Abbey, the renowned boarding school in Rhode Island, is hosting its first annual Portsmouth Institute conference entitled “The Catholic William F. Buckley Jr”: Speakers will include Buckley’s son, author Christopher Buckley, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, New . . . . Continue Reading »

Everything “But”

Obama’s own cultural instincts run right down the middle of the road. His politics are more neo-Truman than neo-Woodstock, more compatible with “It’s a Wonderful Life” than “Easy Rider.” He supports abortion rights but argues for fewer abortions. He supports . . . . Continue Reading »

Impassible Impossible?

It’s not a shtick from a Danny Kaye movie, but a real theological question: Given his depiction in Scripture, is it impossible that God is impassable? I was reading a collection of writings of the Fathers last night and came across a great answer from Origen. When the Scriptures speak about . . . . Continue Reading »

Young Rain

Kevin John Hart—one of Australia’s best poets and occasional First Things contributor —has completed his twelfth volume of poetry, Young Rain , to be published this spring. Look for mention of the collection in an upcoming issue of FT , and in the meantime you might enjoy listening . . . . Continue Reading »



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