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“Lord with Me Abide”

Michael Dubruiel, husband of Catholic blogger Amy Welborn and himself a noted speaker and writer, passed away unexpectedly earlier this month. My heart goes out to Amy and her young family—and yet it is Amy who is offering consolation to all those who share her grief, and to all those who know . . . . Continue Reading »

Designing Babies

At Slate , William Saletan explains why screening embryos for genetic traits has already begun, and why it will be difficult to stop: Every week, it seems, we’re told that this discovery or that technology might lead to “designer babies.” I’ve heard this so many times that . . . . Continue Reading »

Joe Biden and the Clash of Civilizations

We do not believe in a clash of civilizations. We do see a shared struggle against extremism—and we will do everything in our collective power to help the forces of tolerance prevail. In the Muslim world, a small number of violent extremists are beyond the call of reason. We will defeat them. . . . . Continue Reading »

From the Archives

Looking through our archives today I was delighted to find Alan Jacobs’ “review” of Kahlil Gibran’s Collected Works . If you could use a good chuckle, give it a read . Here’s the beginning: Expansive and yet vacuous is the prose of Kahlil Gibran, And weary grows the . . . . Continue Reading »

“Especially Legislators”

Yesterday I expressed my hope that, during his meeting with Nancy Pelosi, Pope Benedict would stress once again the Church’s uncompromising commitment to protect human life in all its forms. It looks like he did just that : Following the General Audience the Holy Father briefly greeted Mrs . . . . Continue Reading »



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