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“A Period in Its Own Right”

At Literary Review , Christopher Kelly reviews Chris Wickham’s latest book, The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000 : In The Inheritance of Rome , Wickham adds political and cultural history, but still resolutely refuses to offer any grand explanatory narrative. His . . . . Continue Reading »

Die Rappende Professoren

As a law school professor in Cologne, what do you do when your students can’t seem to remember paragraph 823 of the civil-law code? If you’re Klaus Peter Berger, you set it to music and rap about it . My favorite couplet has to be: Für den Zurechnungszusammenhang kommt es . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Animal Researchers

I agree with you , Steve, that researchers are ignoring a large piece of reality when they imply that the differences between animals and humans are not qualitative but quantitative. Like you, I’ll start to take those assertions more seriously when animals start saying the same things about . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Researchers

Ryan posted a link to an interesting article on the intelligence of pigeons and baboons. It seems that recent studies have shown these creatures to be smarter than was realized. This leads some researchers, such as University of Iowa professor Ed Wasserman, to conclude that there is no fundamental . . . . Continue Reading »



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