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A Teeny-Weeny Room of One’s Own

I’m generally unimpressed by the term movement , which now seems to mean “advocacy by two or more people.” But maybe, just maybe, there is something to the Small House Movement , which (according to The Economist ) “has been around for years, encouraging people to think . . . . Continue Reading »

Team Nancy and the Vicar of Christ

Earlier this week at NRO, George Weigel offered some commonsense commentary on Nancy Pelosi’s Wednesday meeting with Pope Benedict XVI. Commonsense commentary about what should be commonsense morality: [Pelosi’s] office’s statement on today’s meeting makes it clear something . . . . Continue Reading »

Fearful Memory? Fuggedaboutit.

From the Boston Globe : Merel Kindt, a clinical psychologist at the University of Amsterdam, has found that use of a common high blood pressure drug may help disrupt the process that leads to the brain encoding a fearful memory. Kindt and colleagues showed pictures of spiders to study subjects, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Scientists Await Action on Stem Cells

Rob Stein at the Washington Post writes : “At the Harvard Stem Cell Institute in Cambridge, Mass., graduate students and other scientists paid with federal grants are eagerly awaiting the day when they can contribute their eureka moments to projects that are forbidden under the current . . . . Continue Reading »

In Defense of Religious Liberty

On the Intercollegiate Studies Institute ‘s website, you can find an excerpt from David Novak’s latest book, In Defense of Religious Liberty . A sample to whet your appetite: How one justifies a public stance that is consistent with one’s theology without invoking that theology as . . . . Continue Reading »

24 Hours of Confession

The young adults group of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York has organized twenty-four hours of confession at various parishes in New York. From 7:00 AM Friday, March 6 to 7:00 AM Friday, March 7 at at least one parish in the city a priest will be on hand to hear confessions. If you’re . . . . Continue Reading »

Saving Humanity, One Chip at a Time?

At the Global Spiral , philosophy professor Mark Walker argues that transhumanism is civilization’s best bet for survival: Transhumanism is the thesis that we can and ought to use technology to alter and improve human biology. Some likely targets for the technological makeover of human nature . . . . Continue Reading »



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