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Where Have All the Traddies Gone?

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Steven Waldman looks at the data that John C. Green gathered for ” What Happened to the Values Voter? ” in our March issue. The big question for him was why the traditional Catholics voted for Obama more than Kerry. Green said that economic factors . . . . Continue Reading »

Old Flame?

I’m sure this has something to do with an ex-boyfriend: An arsonist is apparently on the prowl for green Ford Escorts from the 1990s. Three of them have been burned in recent weeks, a series of acts that Medford police Sgt. Mike Budreau described as “pretty bizarre.” A 1995 green . . . . Continue Reading »

The First Demographic Default

Ukraine is the financial basket case of the day. Bloomberg News reports this morning: S&P cut Ukraine’s credit rating by two levels last week to CCC+, seven below investment grade and the lowest in Europe. S&P also cut Latvia to below investment grade. Investors demand a record 28.1 . . . . Continue Reading »

Three Babies Born From Cloning?

I don’t believe a word of it. The notorious Italian fertility doctor claims that nine years ago he was able to bring three cloned babies to birth. From the story:A controversial Italian doctor known for his work allowing post-menopausal women to have children has claimed in an interview to . . . . Continue Reading »



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