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Norma-tive Judaism

Win some, lose some: The Daily Mail today reports that Lindsay Lohan proposes to convert to Judaism. According to Ha’aretz this morning, Actress Lindsay Lohan is planning to convert to Judaism to show her committment to her Jewish girlfriend D.J. Samantha Ronson, according to the British . . . . Continue Reading »

Refusing to Prevent IVF Moral Anarchy

In his recent book, Imagining the Future, Yuval Levin succinctly identified the source of so many of our cultural problems today. It was a real “Bingo!” moment for me: Society has ceased to be primarily about promoting virtue. Rather, our primary drive as a culture today is to prevent . . . . Continue Reading »

In the Dock: Marriage and Democracy

The debates surrounding Proposition 8—California’s constitutional amendment declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman—will reach a head this morning as the state’s Supreme Court convenes to discuss the proposition’s constitutionality. In short, the . . . . Continue Reading »

William Byrd on Film

Thanks to the New Liturgical Movement , I found a beautiful film called Playing Elizabeth’s Tune—The Life of William Byrd . It tells the story of how one of Britain’s greatest composers, a Catholic, kept the favor of Queen Elizabeth in a time of religious upheaval. Narrated in an . . . . Continue Reading »

“Friar Escape”

“Friar Escape,” the New York Post headlines read , but anyone familiar with the life and vows of a Franciscan friar—symbolized by the thrice-knotted rope girding a brown robe—reminds each Franciscan friar that his life is not an escape from sacrifice but an active embrace of . . . . Continue Reading »



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