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Selling Stem Cells

In the run-up to Obama’s announcement overturning Bush’s restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, the media’s chosen narrative is hardly surprising: It’s the triumph of science over politics. Bush’s decision to ban federal funding of embryonic . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama: No Clones? Not Really.

President Obama lifted the Bush ESCR restrictions—unleashing gushing hyperbole in the media and among “the scientists” about the technology that I frankly don’t have time to deconstruct. But Drudge is touting his promise of no cloning. From the story:President Barack Obama . . . . Continue Reading »

Nothing New Under the Sun

One recent vanity is the potential revival of the “Fairness Doctrine,” which mandates that radio stations give opposing viewpoints equal airtime. Fr. Neuhaus noted a previous attempt and the protests of Evangelical broadcasters in the February 1994 Public Square : [Evangelicals’] . . . . Continue Reading »

Stumbling Into Transcendence

Over at the new group blog, Plumb Lines , David Schaengold offers an elegant and stimulating reflection on ” Urban Form as Spiritual Allegory .” It is worth reproducing in full: I recall walking through a slum once in India, girdled by a wide moat doubling as a sewer, where the . . . . Continue Reading »



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