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Dominus Deus Sabaoth

Here’s another dyspeptic observation from the inimitable “Diogenes,” posted under “Onward Christian Facilitators”: We sang “Lift High the Cross” at Mass on Sunday. Unless I’m mistaken, the “hosts of God” who once combined in . . . . Continue Reading »

Eighth Commandment Politics

CNN expressed confusion this morning on when Administration officials—specifically, Secretary of the Treasury Geithner and President Obama—knew AIG would be paying out bonuses to its failed executives. Geithner says he didn’t know until Tuesday; the president, not until Thursday. . . . . Continue Reading »

First They Got Buses

Now atheists in Britain are forming “The National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies,” a student group that will organize “campaigns and events across the country to protest against religious privilege and promote the understanding of science.” If . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope, Condoms, and AIDS

Sundry blogger and pundit have been raking the Pope over the coals for the past day for his comments on AIDs and condoms. A New York Times editorial this morning summarizes the basic complaint: Pope Benedict XVI has every right to express his opposition to the use of condoms on moral grounds, in . . . . Continue Reading »

Defeat for Futile Care in New Jersey

A case in NJ (Betancourt v. Trinitas Regional Medical Center, Docket No. C-12-09), in which the family of a 73-year-old man diagnosed to be in a persistent vegetative state sued a hospital attempting to unilaterally withdraw extensive life support, has been decided by a judge. Properly, the trial . . . . Continue Reading »



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