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Green on Condoms and the Pope

Ryan T. Anderson wrote a nice piece on the recent flurry of commentary over the Pope’s remarks on AIDS and condom use in Africa. Now Christianity Today has an interview with Edward C. Green, the author of the FT article on the topic, in which he comes to Benedict’s defense: Is Pope . . . . Continue Reading »

Honoring an Unlicensed Humanist

Leon Kass, the National Endowment for Humanities announced today , will be receiving the U.S. government’s most prestigious honor for intellectual achievement in the humanities. This May, Kass will be delivering NEH’s thirty-eighth annual Jefferson Lecture, entitled: . . . . Continue Reading »

The UN’s “Defamation of Religions”

I doubt that First Things readers spend a lot of time over at the website for the International Humanist and Ethical Union . But, maybe just this once, it might be worth a look. The IHEU has joined forces with Freedom House , UN Watch , and Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in urging all states to . . . . Continue Reading »



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