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"Man" to Have Twins

I know it is considered rude to point out in our postmodern times when facts are contrary to the narratives. And we have been through this before with greater fanfare. But having resisted posting the “story,” it finally became too much when I saw it reported again today for the umpteenth . . . . Continue Reading »

The War on “Islamic Jihadism”?

THE STRATEGY for Afghanistan and Pakistan announced by President Obama yesterday is conservative as well as bold. It is conservative because Mr. Obama chose to embrace many of the recommendations of U.S. military commanders and the Bush administration, based on the hard lessons of seven years of . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Final Exit Death Reported

Apologists for assisted suicide, such as the Los Angeles Times editorial board, pretend that the Final Exit Network is a fringe group that does not reflect mainstream assisted suicide advocacy, rather than, as I have clearly demonstrated here, at SHS, within the very heart of the assisted suicide . . . . Continue Reading »

Thomas Ricks vs. Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas reflected on the question, “Whether it is always sinful to wage war?” in Summa Theologica Part II, Question 40 . His short answer was “No.” A war would be just, he argued, if three conditions were met: First, the authority of the sovereign by whose command the . . . . Continue Reading »



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