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Paper Money

Over at Slate , Daniel Gross has more on why the owners of the Chicago Sun-Times went bankrupt . Gross points out that, while almost every newspaper in the country is struggling financially, the vast majority of newspapers that have filed for bankruptcy were run by executives who decided to accrue . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Am I Not Surprised?

Among high-profile Catholic politicians, dissent from Church doctrine may be a disease that proceeds through predictable stages. Tom Daschle and Kathleen Sibelius, for instance, having both rejected magisterial teaching against support for abortion, now seem to both reject the injunction to . . . . Continue Reading »

Villanova’s Living Pro-Life Message

Thanks to 2nd Lt. J.K. Pavlischek, USMC (Villanova, ‘07) for calling my attention to this article on Villanova guard, Scottie Reynolds. You might recall Reynolds as the guy who went coast-to-coast and scored the winning field goal against Pitt this past weekend with a half second on the . . . . Continue Reading »

Cathedral on the Prairie

Our friend, the North Dakota poet Tim Murphy, is safe—though the Red River flood drove him down to South Dakota to find a place to stay till the waters go down. He recently sent me this note about his drive south: I am a severe student of the prairie, and much of my life I have driven to . . . . Continue Reading »

On Novak on Selling Organs

Michael Novak’s daily article today raises some fascinating moral and economic issues. In arguing that providing certain benefits (but not cash) to induce people to donate their organs, Novak is moving towards the view, commonly accepted by law-and-economics scholars (see the entries on . . . . Continue Reading »

Killing with Kindness

The last of the “UCC Firsts”—highlights in the history of the United Church of Christ dating from 1620—listed at the church’s web site is from 1995, fourteen years ago, marking publication of the New Century Hymnal . Nothing much apparently has happened since, except for . . . . Continue Reading »



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