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“I Felt I Had Nothing to Lose.”

The Times of London has a fair-minded and sobering article today on the troubling growth of stem-cell tourism: [Stem cells] are touted as little short of a miracle: inject them into brains to restore the cells lost to Parkinson’s disease; inject them into the spines of the paralysed to make . . . . Continue Reading »

Chicks Count After They Hatch

What do you know, those cute little guys can count : Baby birds can do arithmetic, say researchers in Italy. Scientists from the universities of Padova and Trento demonstrated chicks’ ability to add and subtract objects as they were moved behind two screens. Lucia Regolin, an author of the . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA Admits It Kills Adoptable Cats and Dogs

The more I observe PETA, the more bizarre it seems to me. It claims to love animals, and yet it euthanizes more than 90% of the animals it takes in. Why does PETA have to do this? Animal shelters are able to euthanize animals too sick, injured, or aggressive to be found good homes. Moreover, it does . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Patrico and Dawkins on Death

No, Robert , I didn’t say Richard Dawkins is silly for not fearing the complete annihilation of the self. As you point out, some entirely unsilly people, Socrates and Cicero among them, have felt the same way. I was instead—unsuccessfully, it seems—using sarcasm to point out how . . . . Continue Reading »

But She’s Not Muslim

It’s hard to know what to say about the Reverend Dr. Katharine Ragsdale, the new president of the Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Actually, the problem is not that there’s nothing to say, but that Rev. Ragsdale says it all herself. Here’s an excerpt . . . . Continue Reading »



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