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When the Teacher Becomes the Student

Annie Lubliner Lehmann’s son Jonah was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. After twenty-two years of struggling to change her son, Lehmann writes that it was Jonah who finally changed her: Not long ago, I came across a basement copy of “Cinderella.” It reminded me of a time . . . . Continue Reading »

New York Way of the Cross

A Way of the Cross procession will take place the night of Good Friday at 8:30 p.m., beginning at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Mott St. and Prince St.). The procession will move through the East and West Village and will be accompanied by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and seminarians . . . . Continue Reading »

Looking Toward the New Jerusalem

At Books and Culture , former First Things junior fellow Jordan Hylden reviews Richard John Neuhaus’ final book, American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile : In his last book, American Babylon, Neuhaus gives us an imaginative vision of how to be a faithful and hopeful Christian witness in . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage Conference

College students interested in learning more about the social significance of marriage might be interested in a summer conference held by the Ruth Institute at the University of San Diego on August 6—9. For more information, visit the Institute’s website . . . . . Continue Reading »

Porn In, Prayer Out

More from the “you-can’t-make-this-up” file. Here are two articles from the same page of the Metro section of this morning’s Washington Post relating the goings on at the University of Maryland. The first article, ” General Assembly Asks Schools for Porn Policies” . . . . Continue Reading »

Are You In or Out?

“Are you in or out? asks this tee-shirt from, if I’m in, like where the question mark is, am I then the fourth person of the Trinity? Sun, empty cross, estimable bird, and—me?Saint Athanasius, phone home.[rating: . . . . Continue Reading »



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