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Time Boosts the Assisted Suicide Cause

I shouldn’t be surprised by anything the mainstream media does today in boosting social outlaws into cultural icons. For example, when Jack Kevorkian was at the top of his deadly game—even offering extracted kidneys from a disabled assisted suicide victim for transplant in a news . . . . Continue Reading »

The Christendom Review

Those interested in new Christian publications should check out The Christendom Review . The journal describes itself as follows: The Christendom Review is a literary journal dedicated to the Diaspora of Christendom, that remnant of people who either deliberately or intuitively subscribe to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Eighth Day Icons

Former Caelum et Terra editor Daniel Nichols now works as an iconographer and a leader of iconography workshops. Choose from his gallery, which includes images of the Lord, the Blessed Mother, and various saints; or commission a custom work.If you were thinking, for instance, of purchasing a statue . . . . Continue Reading »

Talk the Talk, Walk the Dog

I’m a dog. Dogs had nothing to do with the Fall. We’re not ashamed. We don’t make aprons out of fig leaves. And we really don’t like wearing sweaters. But we love you, and if this makes you feel better, then whatever.Actually, I’m not sure that you’re not God, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Walking on Water: More Christian Shoes

Guy in striped shirt: “There I was, passed out on the beach, when these people came up and started witnessing to me. The next thing I knew, I was wearing these shoes . . . “So many styles to choose from! There’s the “Many Names of Jesus” lo-top (in pink!) Or what about . . . . Continue Reading »



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