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Lead Into Gold: Al Gore to Fund IPSCs

Al Gore is set to head a venture capital foray into the very promising field of induced pluripotent stem cell research. From the story:Former vice president Al Gore is entering the stem cell arena with an announcement today of a $20 million biotech venture in the hot area of “induced . . . . Continue Reading »

Imagine the Potential, Redux

Remember the ad from January that highlighted President Obama’s incredible story and ended with the tagline “Life: Imagine the Potential”? Well, now a German ad campaign is playing on the same theme but for an entirely different purpose. A new series of condom ads . . . . Continue Reading »

Now THESE Are Rosaries

Alan Creech makes these beautiful, Franciscan-inspired, single-decade rosaries using natural materials with satisfying textures.If, like me, you not only have a San Damiano crucifix on your front door and a relic of Saint Francis in your living room, but are also a tactile person whose attention at . . . . Continue Reading »



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