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Max and the Pontifex Maximus

Last year young Benedict XVI fans were treated to Joseph and Chico , an inside look at the early life of the Holy Father—through the eyes of his tabby cat. Now, we have Part II: Max and Benedict , a bird’s eye view of Ratzinger’s Vatican life—through the eyes of a blue thrush. . . . . Continue Reading »

Purpose-Driven Life

Brian Boyd at The American Scholar fawns over Darwinian natural selection and its ability to create purpose in the universe: Does evolution by natural selection rob life of purpose, as so many have feared? The answer is no. On the contrary, Charles Darwin has made it possible to understand how . . . . Continue Reading »

A Picture’s Worth …

A picture, even a school yearbook picture, can be surprisingly prophetic. Fr. Neuhaus’ Lutheran seminary snapshot, for example, shows a confident young man gazing determinately out from behind a friend’s scrawled “Pope.” The scribbler, perhaps, was on to something. Now, from . . . . Continue Reading »

Oh, Mr. Rochester —

Has any woman ever sought holy orders purely on the grounds of having read and loved Jane Eyre?Clergy CoutureWhat do you call this kind of thing, anyway? My husband suggests the term frossock. [Rating: . . . . Continue Reading »

Safe, Legal, and Not So Rare

China’s one-child policy should be the dream come true of population-control advocates. But there’s just one problem: The Chinese prefer boys to girls, so girls are more likely to be aborted than boys. Sixteen million girls, to be precise, between 1985 and 2005, a slaughter of . . . . Continue Reading »

In the Midst of Life

Stonecutter Karin Sprague revives the nearly-lost art of the tombstone. Though she encourages clients to explore “less-traditional” images which “offer more personal meaning,” for my money it’s her interpretations of traditional gravestone iconography — the tree . . . . Continue Reading »



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