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Two Wrongs

(1) NATO’s worryingly inadequate and incredible shrinking performance in Afghanistan (2) NATO’s determination to go ahead with wargames in Georgia Best possible absurd justification: the Georgia exercises are training for Afghan missions! Is anyone else filled with concern by this turn . . . . Continue Reading »

Rules Spurned and Celebrated

What piques me most about the Twitter phenomenon (not this blog’s new subject, I swear) is precisely what I think is considered most harmless and cool about it: it’s got all the advantages of regular communication, plus all the fun of communicating using only 140 characters! Or, as MoDo . . . . Continue Reading »

I Say, Jeeves—Here Comes Everybody!

Matthew Schmitz, writing for the delightfully quirky new blog called Plumb Lines , bemoans the proletarian invasion of what used to be the “exclusive club” of reactionaries: Conservatives have long decried the decline of standards, and rightly so. Nowhere is this decline more evident . . . . Continue Reading »

WJS: Skunk at the Earth Day Party

As usual, I find myself the skunk at the party. As the world celebrates Earth Day, that term has become a bit ominous. Environmentalism is devolving into an increasingly anti-human movement that could end up costing the human race dearly. I have a piece on the matter in today’s NRO called . . . . Continue Reading »

We Are Unable to Accept Shofars for Return

It would be named Oy Toys, wouldn’t it? Lest anyone think we seek out only Christian tastelessness here at Icons and Curiosities, behold, I bring you:The Basketball Menorah Wood Craft! Sports fans will love will love it, Oy Toys tells us. “Watch as the children transform nine raw wood . . . . Continue Reading »

The Cosmos In A Coffee Cup

A science story perfect with that morning cup of joe: A Duke University professor and his graduate student have discovered a universal principle that unites the curious interplay of light and shadow on the surface of your morning coffee with the way gravity magnifies and distorts light from distant . . . . Continue Reading »

Whoa, That Thing Looks Familiar

I think I’ve seen it in my house. I mean, I have one of those little pinky girls who would own something like this, and if it had Hello Kitty on it, she would have two of them. Praise Ponies! Yay! Pictured: “Faith” Praise Pony. Ten cool accessories and Bible verse included! . . . . Continue Reading »



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