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Not the Prom

And today we have a very special treat from Judi and the Seventh Congregational Dancers: an interpretation-in-movement of our scripture lesson, taken from 1 Kings 14. Starring Raymond as Rehoboam (with Raymond, Jr., as Abijam his son) — Darren as Shishak, King of Egypt —Judi as . . . . Continue Reading »

Return of the Living Dead Economy IV

I am super delighted to see Reihan joining me in the use of ‘econopocalypse’ lingo, but super distressed to see that he is choosing to do so because he increasingly believes we are really destined for an economic apocalypse. Fortunately, the apocalypse has already happened. You . . . . Continue Reading »

The Road-Not-Taken to Serfdom?

Oh no! Americans moved less this year than ever-since-1962 , we’re told — and, apparently, this is a sign of tough economic times, an involuntary lowering, or closing in, of our individual and national horizons. Now, as you may know, my vision of the highest is not very closely . . . . Continue Reading »

Same-Sex Marriage Debate Update

Earlier this week, the Connecticut Senate approved religious-exemption clauses for their recent gay-marriage bill, following the model set by Vermont. The Hartford Courant reports : Opponents of gay marriage, including the Roman Catholic Church and the Family Institute of Connecticut, had sought . . . . Continue Reading »

ISO: Modest Prom Dress for Nice Girl

I’m actually not kidding about this one. The homeschooled teenagers in our area are planning a prom. Many of them are Irish step-dancers, and they’re having a ceili (or celidh, if you’re Scottish) prom. They’ll be doing reels and waltzes and stomps and troikas and this one . . . . Continue Reading »

Reform of the Reform: The Movie

It appears I need to diversify my Google Reader, subscribe to different journals, or make some new friends, as no one in my circle of electronic, print, or human communication alerted me to the cinematic horsepower of Doubt . Granted the fault is largely my own, for I didn’t seek out any . . . . Continue Reading »

An Interview With David Goldman

Be sure to check out our latest interview : First Things ’ new associate editor David Goldman talks about his article “Demographics & Depression”, which appears in the May issue of First Things . An Interview With David Goldman on “Demographics & Depression” from First . . . . Continue Reading »

Sebelius Vetoes Abortion Bill

In the lead-up to her confirmation as the head of Health and Human Services, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has vetoed a bill increasing the information doctors would have to provide the government regarding late-term abortions: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius vetoed a bill that would have rewritten . . . . Continue Reading »

Impassioned Dialogue

Forget the cookies and tea, the polite mutual admiration societies, the committee draftsmanship of pious theses that plague the academic industry known as Jewish-Christian dialogue. Here we pour high-proof schnaps, straight from the barrel. The Christian-Jewish engagement is nothing, if it is . . . . Continue Reading »



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