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Dick Cheney, Martyr?

Ross’s debut column at the New York Times concerns a counterfactual Cheney run for President in 2008 — fun to spin out, but with its unhappy ending back in reality: Here Dick Cheney, prodded by the ironies of history into demanding greater disclosure about programs he once sought to . . . . Continue Reading »

Through a Glass Darkly

You have to wish that all our imperfect human vision were as nearly sublime as this.The market for religion’s material culture is a strange place indeed. It’s full of things which make you ask: Why is this for sale? Who buys it? There are things, for instance, packaged as manifestations . . . . Continue Reading »

High Church and High Culture

A nice thing about spending several days away from computers is relief from chronic headaches (I knew they couldn’t all be hangovers). Another is that one returns to find plenty of content worth reading—which cannot, contrary to present fashion, be whipped up in thirty seconds and posted . . . . Continue Reading »

Postmodern Conservative Draft Manifesto 2.0

Mr. Poulos has nicely framed the point of “Postmodern Conservatism” in a capacious and open-ended fashion, and Prof. Lawler has filled in some essential content in such a way as to compel my complete assent, as usual. Of course there is something a little ironic at the outset in the . . . . Continue Reading »

This Isn’t a Barbie How?

My friend Nathaniel comments that he’d like to see a “Jael With Her Tent Peg,” but I think that’s expecting a level of biblical literalism, to coin a phrase which was already in existence and didn’t really need coining . . . Anyway, you tell me. Barbie: Sarah, from the . . . . Continue Reading »


In the Emmy-winning 1997 version of Rebecca , there’s a scene in which the new, young Mrs. de Winter is harassed by one of the film’s less savory characters for claiming to enjoy being alone at the vast Manderlay estate while her husband is away on business. From our present-day . . . . Continue Reading »



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