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And Glory Shone Around

Lately I’ve run across some items not marketed with religious purposes in mind, which nevertheless seem full of possibilities. Take this, for example: That’s right: Glow-in-the-Dark Body Cream from American Science and Surplus. They suggest using it as “the ultimate bike-safety . . . . Continue Reading »

Glory vs. the Garden Gnome

Roger Scruton’s written a book on beauty, in case you hadn’t heard. Here’s a nice little review, which frames the beauty question evocatively enough in terms of beauty’s relation, or antagonism, to kitsch. And so I ask: if beauty is the promise of happiness, is the problem . . . . Continue Reading »

Blowing Up the University

Marc C. Taylor, chairman of the religion department at Columbia, wants to “end the university as we know it.” But he wants to do it wrong: “The division-of-labor model of separate departments is obsolete and must be replaced with a curriculum structured like a web or complex . . . . Continue Reading »

Fr. Samir’s 111 Questions on Islam

Samir Khalid Samir, S.J. has devoted half a century to Islamic studies, and the English translation of his 2002 interview book on Islam is a welcome reminder that the subject of Islam can elicit more than shrillness. As an introduction to the subject and as an antidote to anodyne apologies, 111 . . . . Continue Reading »

Sacred Art: Sarah Hempel Irani

Many thanks to Judy for pointing me to Hempel Studios. The Virgin Annunciate, Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Potomac, MDHere is a sculptor in conversation with the classical and High Renaissance tradition in Western art, treating sacred subjects without subverting their sacredness or . . . . Continue Reading »



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