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The Conversion of Michael J. Fox

It’s hard to miss Mr. Fox these days. The diminutive actor who runs the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research has a new book in print and a television special airing on May 7, and he is doing endless interviews to promote his cause. His cause is to find a cure for . . . . Continue Reading »

The Media Are Becoming Pro Suicide

Pay close attention to how the story I am about to discuss from the Philadelphia Inquirer was written to give a favorable impression of a suicide. It is about a woman named Rona Zelniker, who killed herself because of a disabling disease. Note that the word “suicide” is never used . . . . Continue Reading »

Support for Abortion Falls

According to a recent Pew Forum poll , the level of support for abortion has dropped: Between August and late October 2008, the proportion supporting legal abortion ranged from 57 percent (in mid-October) to 53 percent (in late October), before declining to 46 percent currently. Though opinion . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Funnies

We need our newspapers!The problem is the quality of the editors:The problem is the quality of the reporters: The problem is the quality of the public: The problem is also the bias.When transhumanism becomes . . . . Continue Reading »



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