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In Gallery 202

Blovito, ergo sum. I say one should never let a good thing go to waste. Since “the blogito ” made the lead quote yesterday on Andrew Sullivan’s “Dish,” I have become a household name to millions of persons dispersed throughout the world, from humble shepherds in their huts . . . . Continue Reading »

Hopping Back Over the Wall of Separation

A public school in California brings in a lesbian to speak to the students about her homosexuality. Parents, finding out about it after the fact, ask the school to reveal to them what was said. The school claims that it need not inform the parents as to what transpired in their children’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Which Mary?

In the May 8 edition of the Times Literary Supplement , Lucy Beckett has some serious issues with Miri Rubin’s new book, Mother of God: A history of the Virgin Mary . The review—which I couldn’t find online, sorry—begins: Sister and mother and diviner love, And of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Spirits of Rhetoric

The Immanent Frame, an academic blog launched on the release of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age , is still going strong. They’ve started a new discussion series , replete with invited scholars, centered around Obama’s traditionalistic inaugural claim that the “values upon . . . . Continue Reading »

Hyenas are People Too

Human exceptionalism is under furious assault on many fronts, with advocates who seek to dismantle it, zealously looking for any and every sign that we are no different, really, from animals.One of the newest memes in this regard is that animals are moral beings—just like us. I bring this up . . . . Continue Reading »

Only 227 Shopping Days Left

Uh, thanks for sending me this, Nathaniel. I mean, it is May already. And heaven knows you don’t want to leave these things till the last minute. I think I like this idea of Thomas Kinkade’s, of calling yourself “Painter of Something” and then trademarking the name. . . . . Continue Reading »

Metaphysical vs. Darwinian Conservatism?

Larry Arnhart explains that a Darwinian conservative believes that religious belief can be socially useful and, for that reason, salutary. A metaphysical conservative, such as ME, believes that religious belief can actually be true. He adds that Hume and Tocqueville agree with him and not ME by . . . . Continue Reading »

Pure Politics?

Amy Welborn makin’ sense : I am intrigued by comments here and there asserting that the opposition to Barack Obama’s role in Notre Dame’s commencement must be nothing but politics at work. Politically motivated. Obviously and clearly. Usually “hacks” is used at least . . . . Continue Reading »



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