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Bean and Time

One line of commentary on my last post is deeply disconcerting. Three of our fellow bloggers on the postmodern conservative website have launched a scandalous attack on Maxwell House, mocking the American company which, until Folgers came on to the scene, was the number one producer of coffee in . . . . Continue Reading »

Love’s Limits Lost?

One thing that’s always unfashionable is pessimism about the Power of Love. I touched a bit on love yesterday, and I see today that Daniel did the same a few days before that — in the context of another go against our love-projecting cosmopolitans. Where the cosmops would seek, . . . . Continue Reading »

Science and Moral Neutrality

It is generally accepted by both the left and the right that science itself is a morally neutral enterprise, since it merely creates the mechanisms of power that can be used for moral and immoral purposes alike. In a public speech a few years ago, President Bush expressed this commonly-held view, . . . . Continue Reading »

Pros and Cons

If the mainstream media continues to insist —for the sake of objectivity and balance, I’m sure—on calling opponents of abortion “anti-abortionists,” you’d expect to see those in favor of abortion to be labeled “pro-abortionists.” I won’t hold my . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope Versus the Vatican

If you haven’t already, be sure to read George Weigel’s “The Pope Versus the Vatican,” which appeared last month in the British magazine Standpoint : It is unlikely that Joseph Ratzinger accepted his election thinking of himself as another Leo XIII, who created the modern . . . . Continue Reading »



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