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Pro-Life Americans on the Rise

According to Gallup , 51 percent of Americans are calling themselves pro-life compared to 42 percent who identify as pro-choice— the first time Gallup has found a pro-life majority since it started asking the question in 1995. Why the change? Their hypothesis is a rallying among Republicans . . . . Continue Reading »

Schumer Speaks at Fordham Commencement

In her open letter declining the Laetare Medal, Prof. Mary Ann Glendon worried that Notre Dame’s decision to honor a strongly pro-abortion public figure would create a “trickle-down” effect by which other Catholic schools would become less hesitant to do the same, thus obscuring the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Few More Photos of Pescadero, Plus

I have been asked in repeated communications to post a few more photos from my recent short R and R to Pescadero. It only takes one, if that! So, here is an encore:These were some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen:A pumping station in the wetlands that has seen better days:This mini . . . . Continue Reading »

The Beauty of the Pescadero, California

Secondhand Smokette and I needed to get away and relax: So, we escaped to a coast town south of San Francisco called Pescadero for a night of Bed and Breakfast. I have a new camera, so I thought I’d see what it could do. Here are a few of the pics with which I am most pleased. I hope you are . . . . Continue Reading »



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