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Please Be Patient With Bugs

We continue to struggle with the bugs, but things are improving. Spacing, obviously, is a problem. But repairs continue to be made.Commenting is still inconvenient. To comment, just open the permalink by left clicking on the title, and that will permit comments. Eventually, that problem will also be . . . . Continue Reading »

Mormon Transhumanists

Nathan Schneider at The Row Boat has stumbled across the website of the Mormon Transhumanist Association. According to their “About” page, the Mormon Transhumanist Association is an international nonprofit organization that promotes practical faith in human exaltation through charitable . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catholic Sensibility of … Obama?

Michele Dillon is Professor of Sociology at New Hampshire University. Writing in The Immanent Frame, a blog of the Social Science Research Council, Dillon detects President Obama’s “Catholic sensibility” in his Notre Dame speech: Thus at Notre Dame, Obama demonstrated the . . . . Continue Reading »


I was first drawn into fighting assisted suicide when a depressed elderly friend committed suicide under the influence of Hemlock Society literature. Not only had the group’s suicide-porn given Frances moral permission to kill herself, but they had taught her precisely how to do it.These kinds . . . . Continue Reading »

That Jewish Novel

At City Journal , Benjamin A. Plotinsky reviews Gertrude Himmelfarb’s latest book, The Jewish Odyssey of George Eliot : Is it wonderful or not wonderful? That’s what critics have been asking about the novel Daniel Deronda ever since its 1876 publication. Their answer has often been in . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama Picks Supreme Court Nominee

President Obama has selected his nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court justice David Souter. New York judge Sonia Sotomayor would become the court’s first Hispanic. The Wall Street Journal reports : The president, in introducing Ms. Sotomayor at the White House Tuesday morning, praised . . . . Continue Reading »



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