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On Cures and Coercion

So Scientology is on trial again—this time in France, and this time for fraud. It seems that a woman who took a free “personality test” was then sold a bill of goods in the form of vitamins, books, and dubious “cures” for psychological problems—to the tune of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pro-Life Argument from Mourning

What is the truth value of mourning? That is, what does mourning tell us about the truth? Mourning is one of the most powerful and universal emotions. It is such a basic, pre-reflective, and pervasive response to the loss of a loved one that it appears to be part of the hard wiring of human . . . . Continue Reading »

Lift High the Cruciform Object

I was looking for a crucifix to hang on the wall above my desk. It never occurred to me that this would be a difficult thing to find.Now, honestly. I can’t decide what I think is stranger: the head of Christ growing out of the bark like some kind of miracle knothole apparation; the Crucifixion . . . . Continue Reading »



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