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How Darwin’s Wife Saved his Theory

Critics of orthodox Darwinism often argue that Darwin’s theory of evolution drains nature of purpose while projecting onto nature a ruthless view of the world. In response, Darwinian apologists are fond of telling stories about how kind and gentle Darwin was, as if his personal virtues . . . . Continue Reading »

Am I the Spread of Life?

Why is it that when people discern bearded faces in their food, they assume them to be the countenance of the Lord?For some reason, Great Britain has in recent years been home to a number of food apparitions. You could say, of course, that the British have the best food in the world, and then they . . . . Continue Reading »

No, you can’t

“Yes, we can,” said Obama. “No, you can’t,” said the bond market. “You can’t borrow $1.8 trillion a year, subsidize the mortgage market, finance the asset-backed securities market, and do all these other things, not at a 3% yield for the 10-year . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s Already Happened

The thing about gay marriage, Sam Schulman says in the Weekly Standard , is not that it’s wrong, but that it just won’t work. Most people who object to it, he says, aren’t caught up with religious objections about what the Bible says or sexual acts being “open to . . . . Continue Reading »



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