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Hobbes, Hamlet, and Individuality

The skill in desire and aversion is knowing how to preserve the practical self from dissolution. — OAKESHOTT As will one day be elaborated in a dissertation, Machiavelli’s eponymous Prince lived — and killed — by surfeit of this virtu ; Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet . . . . Continue Reading »

Get it while it’s hot!

Our very own Helen Rittelmeyer has had an article published in the current issue of Doublethink entitled ‘Toward a Bioethics of Love’ . Here’s a teaser: To frame the idea in a different way, we all hope for our friends’ continual self-improvement: that our favorite . . . . Continue Reading »

If You Say So

Okay, so, I’m thinking Dante —Dude, I know he’s a poet. No, I don’t really know what they do, either. Wait, wait, he’s a poet, but he’s, like, a poet . . . warrior. With a sword. You know, “The sword is mightier than the pen.” Whatever. Anyway, so he . . . . Continue Reading »

800 On UK Assisted Suicide Waiting List

Assisted suicide advocacy, like effective advertising, creates a demand where it might not have existed before. That seems to be happening in the UK, where 800 people are reportedly on a waiting list to receive assisted suicide at the hands of Swiss suicide clinics. Check out Secondhand Smoke for . . . . Continue Reading »

Dr. Pat Deneen on Marriage and Place

PAT does a very fine job reminding us that gay marriage only became plausible at a certain point in the long process of the Lockeanization of marriage. If the institution is all about rights with no corresponding duties then we really can’t explain why all Americans — including, of . . . . Continue Reading »

GM: The Lenin’s-Mausoleum Years

So it’s official — GM’s bankrupt. Bring on the PR campaign. Actually, don’t; the agency entrusted with giving Americans “permission to believe” in GM again (as one of the Morning Joe heads just said) is the same bunch of geniuses who embarrassed GM with its . . . . Continue Reading »

Down with Weakness! Up with Childishness!

I’d been sure I’d had the final word on Mark Levin, but with Daniel and Richard Spencer [UPDATE: and Clark Stooksbury ] now falling on — and firing across — opposite sides of the Levin fallout, the bizarre-o-meter has jumped into the red zone. Past the closing sequences of . . . . Continue Reading »

Getting Stupid About Law

At the Scene, Dara makes a point I start out being quite sympathetic toward: We allow the people making law to represent their constituents — in fact, we generally encourage them to resemble their constituents and celebrate their own biographies — but we deny the same sort of personality . . . . Continue Reading »



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