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Ich Bin Ein Muslimer

Our empathy President is now our theologian-in-chief. He has gone to Cairo like President Kennedy went to Berlin, to make a political point about human solidarity. Kennedy, of course, was expressing solidarity with West Germany shortly after the Soviet backed communist regime in East Germany . . . . Continue Reading »

Watch Out for Christian Terrorists!

Damian Thompson at the Daily Telegraph has this gem, apropos of the Obamanable speech:The BBC Trust has dismissed a complaint about an episode of Bonekickers, a BBC One drama series about a team of archaeologists, that involved a fundamentalist Christian beheading a Muslim (as so often . . . . Continue Reading »

Birthing and Rearing

In today’s Wall Street Journal Jonathan Last reviews Judith Walzer Leavitt’s Make Room for Daddy , a history of how men went from being unwelcome to expected in the delivery room. But Last notes that as men became more involved in childbirth, they became less involved in what came . . . . Continue Reading »


If we are to engage in a discussion, debate, or civil argument it is imperative that we share some understanding of the ground of discussion; in this instance some comprehension of the “matrix of reality,” because recent developments clearly illustrate the pernicious effects of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Billy Collins Killing Poetry?

Compile a list of topics Americans feel compelled to form an opinion about—global warming, the job performance of Obama, the fate of Jon and Kate—and “contemporary poetry” will rank near the bottom. Most Americans, though, are not ROFTERs . If you’re a ROFTER you’re . . . . Continue Reading »



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